Monday, June 23, 2008

Sierra Club Fun Workshops at Borders starting June 25!

Hello Family,
Falcon and Dove hope you had a great weekend. We wanted to let you know about some cool Sustainability Workshops that will be starting at Borders Books East Side (East Liberty location) beginning at 6:30p on Wednesday, June 25. The first workshop will be on organics and herbs. Why is organic so important? Find out at the workshop! What's the difference between home grown versus organic? Get your questions answered by a Sierra Club member. Want an herb garden in a hurry? What herbs are the best to have all year 'round? Here is where you find out! We are very excited about this, and are invited to do one big workshop in July at Borders...July 19...but more on that later..hehe.

There will be other workshops on a variety of subjects throughout 2008! Some will have very special guests. We will keep you posted.

We hope to see you there!

Falcon and Dove

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