Monday, February 26, 2007

TFATD 5: The Unabridged Oscars Show

Our Oscars reaction show is NOW LIVE! We waited a day to do this episode just so that we could give our reactions to the results of the Academy Awards, and that is the main discussion of this episode. We guarantee that this Oscar show is unlike any other show that you have ever heard (hint: we don't really discuss the gowns or the hairstyles ;)).

Episode 5 of The Falcon and the Dove: The Unabridged Oscars Show. Here is what will be featured this week:

- Intro.
- The Oscars!!! Which categories did we correctly predict? Most of them, actually!
- The importance of film and those who make them.
- The Quote of the Week. Storytelling.

Download Episode 5 Here! (Length: 1 hour, 5 minutes; File Size: 60.1 MB)
